What’s on the horizon for Gothenburg-inspired melodic death metallers The Last Reign…

The new edition’s covermount CD includes a track from melodic death metallers The Last Reign, so we asked them a few questions so you can get to know them better. Check out the video for the track ‘It’s Dangerous To Go Alone’ down below too…

ZT: Where do you come from, what’s in your band name, and who are your band members?
TLR: Hailing from Buffalo, NY, The Last Reign was formed in the summer of 2015 by the founding member and guitarist/songwriter, Brian Platter. Currently lineup includes Brian/Guitar, Adam Svensson/Vocals, Vince Mayer/Drums and Joe Maggio/Bass.

Where are you going musically?
The Last Reign sits very much within a throwback style of melodic death metal. Specially, the ’90s era Gothenburg sound.

How do you think you differ from your contemporaries and who are they? Who / what influences your music?
Melodic death metal is still a genre that exists today, but it doesn’t sound quite the same. Not bad, just not the same. There is a specific difference between what bands sounded like in the ’90s and what they sound like today within the genre. Bands such as Mors Princiupium Est and Mercenary are both considered melodic death metal bands, but you won’t find much of that on In Flames’ Whoracle. ’90s albums from In Flames, Soilwork and At The Gates heavily influence our music.

There is a specific difference between what bands sounded like in the ’90s and what they sound like today within the genre.

Why did you select the track included on the ZT covermount to represent you? Tell us a little bit about it – and how does it fit in with the rest of your album?
We felt ‘No Horizon’ was a good choice because it gives people are good balance of what we sound like in one song. It also features a guest solo from Andy Gillion of Mors Principium Est. The song is about half way through our concept album, Evolution. I wouldn’t want to speak too much to the songs content cause it may give away some of the plot :)

Are you DIY oriented or have you recorded professionally?
We are a bit of both. We have the capability of recording our own music, but we actually prefer the studio/engineer atmosphere. It’s always good to work with someone that will give an unbiased opinion on the music.

Do you have an ultimate plan / goal for the band? Are you planning any new recordings?
I would say our ultimate goal is simply to spread the word about our music as much as we possibly can. PR campaigns, touring, releasing music globally, etc. With the fresh release of our sophomore album, we don’t have any plans for new stuff just yet, but we do have a few ideas on what we will have out in the future.

Do you play live and if so, have you any dates coming up?
Unfortunately due to the current state of the world and NYS specifically, we do not have any shows booked until 2021. We will be playing with Powerglove, Immortal Guardian and ArmCannon on March 13th and we have our CD release show booked for May 20th. Of course those are subject to change depending on how the next few months go.

How can ZT readers hear more?
We are available on all of your favorite streaming platforms and social media sites to see our latest news and releases. You can also visit our website at www.thelastreign.com

Band name: The Last Reign
Formed: 2015
Origin: Buffalo, NY
Current release: Evolution
url: www.thelastreign.com

Thanks for dropping in!

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