Poland’s Old Temple Records have announced they will be realeasing new album from Philippinian death metal tyrants PATHOGEN. Titled “Forged In The Crucible Of Death”, the full-length is due out October 10th.


The label’s head honcho Eryk enthuses: “The new album is uncompromising, dirty, dark death metal forged in the deepest depths of the abyss! Immerse yourself in eight pieces that will burn your soul and body. ‘Forged In The Crucible Of Death’ is a tribute to the old, true, sordid, rotten music unconstrained by fashion and posturing. Pathogen stands in opposition to most of the garbage within dirty underground scene. The album contains re-recorded song from the first demo ‘Lord Of The Undead’. This is your one-way ticket to hell. Get it before you die!”


You can order the album through

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