We’ve joined forces with Finnish black metallers Baptism and their label Season Of Mist to give you a listen to some new material ahead of its release!

And what you hear is what you get; Baptism deliver another album that is firmly rooted in Finnish black metal orthodoxy. Their raw and unbound musical fierceness is counterbalanced by epic melodies buried underneath a shredding onslaught and majestic atmospheres. Yet despite staying true to course there is neither a feeling of stagnation nor of senseless nostalgia, instead Baptism excel in keeping true to their course, sounding fresh and raising the stakes with their fifth full-length, V: The Devil’s Fire.

V: The Devil’s Fire is the result of a long evolution and the acquired craftsmanship of veterans in the field. Needless to mention that the visual trappings of their genre are not neglected either as expressed by corpsepaint, hoods, and spikes. Nor has the Satanic mysticism on the lyrical side gone missing. It might be necessary to point out though that, according to the band, what you do not see, you do not get; the band is keen to highlight that no political extremism is expressed or intended via their music, an accusation that has been attached to the band. Frontman Lord S. is more than willing to face any questions about this controversy in interviews in order to lay any such rumours to rest once and for all. We’ll cross that bridge in issue 074 of Zero Tolerance Magazine no doubt then!

It is on this note that we’re pleased to give you the opportunity to hear a brand new track from the band, ‘Devil’s Fire’, and if you want to know more then read on below. If you like what you’re hearing you can pre-order the new album at this location.

The development of Baptism can be best explained through different periods:

Baptism-0009-2016-small-Roni_SahariEra I: Baptism was formed by vocalist, guitarist, and songwriter Lord S. and Demoniun on drums in the Finnish town of Ylöjärvi in 1998. As early as the summer of the same year, the first and now extremely rare demo Satanic Rituals[$italics] was released. A second demo entitled Sons Of Ruin & Terror followed in the year 2000. The band was joined by Slaughterer on bass in 2001 and this lineup unleashed 2002’s first full-length The Beherial Midnight[$italics], as well as 2003’s second album Wisdom & Hate[$italics]. Afterwards, Lord S. relocated his centre of activity to Kuopio and his former allies left the band.

Era II: Baptism quickly reformed in Kuopio, when Lord S. met Spellgoth and SG.7 joined the band before taking on duties as live guitarist and singing clean vocals. The EP Black Ceremony as well as a split 7″ with Uncreation’s Dawn followed in 2004. Local musicians Kobalt on drums as well as SDS and Cinatas were added to the group, which performed their first live ritual in Kouvola, Finland. More live appearances materialised in their home country after the release of 2005’s third full-length, Morbid Wings Of Sathanas‘. On the following EP, 2006’s Evil Mysteries, Lord S. was responsible for playing all instruments.

Era III: Baptism experienced another change of lineup when their mastermind moved to Tampere. Cinatas handed his duties over to M, who became the band’s third bassist. The black metal outfit began to perform internationally in 2007. LRH became session drummer for the next album, 2008’s Grim Arts Of Melancholy, while TG took over as lead guitarist from SDS. The EP Chalice Of Death was recorded and released in 2010 amidst rituals all over Europe and led to a mini tour in Russia. In the meantime Syphon became the fourth bass player for the Finns.

Era IV: Baptism unleashed their next full-length in 2012, As The Darkness Enters, for which the men toured during the following year, including a first ritual in the USA. A number of reissues of earlier material followed in 2014 as the response to the demand for these cult releases reached new heights. This was emphasised by the rarities compilation album Gloria Tibi Satana, which was released early 2015.

Era V: Baptism sign a new record deal with Season Of Mist. The new album V: The Devil’s Fire is finished and ready to be released on the 22nd of July 2016. The new era for Baptism is now beginning. Get ready for a black blizzard from the north to bring frost and darkness in the middle of this summer!

SUA064-Baptism-1500x1500-300dpi-RGBV: The Devil’s Fire full tracklisting:
1. Natus Ex Ignis
2. Satananda
3. The Sacrament Of Blood And Ash
4. Devil’s Fire
5. Abyss
6. Cold Eternity
7. Malignant Shadows
8. Buried With Him
Album lineup:
Lord S.: vocals, guitar, songwriting
SG.7: guitar
TG: lead guitar
Syphon: bass
LRH: drums
Guest appearances:
Antti Boman from Demlich on ‘Buried With Him’.
Mikko Kotamäki from Swallow The Sun on ‘The Sacrament Of Blood And Ash’.
Mynni Luukkainen from Horna on ‘Satananda’.

Thanks for dropping in!

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