The mastermind behind Pandemonium, Poland’s very own veterans of black/death metal scene, Pawel Mazur, gives ZT an exclusive insight into his world of misanthropy.


You’re recording a new Pandemonium full-length album 20 years after you released your premiere rehearsal demo back in the heydays of extreme metal scene. Going back to your roots?


Each and every new Pandemonium album is a sort of an examination of conscience. Summing up achievements and an attempt to mark out new routes. “Misanthropy” is the most mature album we’ve made so far. We’re from a family stemming from the essence of the best black metal music traditions… so all you have to do is get to know our newest baby.


Last year you recorded a two-song promo CD. Has it served its purpose?


Promo 2010 was/is a kind of foretaste of “Misanthropy”. It’s a sample of the new PANDEMONIUM capabilities. We made it on purpose and it turned out to be the bull’s eye from the marketing point of view. People are more and more interested in the new PANDEMONIUM stuff every day. Work on the album runs smoothly and optimally. Frankly, the work’s done. Right now we’re cutting the diamond. We didn’t set any deadlines which resulted in additional positive situations. Our fans may expect a mighty, mystical, mysterious and bold material. That’s it.


You’ll turn 40 next year and I don’t really think you’ve ever made a living on the band. Does the fire still burn? What do you think of today’s scene?


40 years have passed as in a day’s time… true… so I’m getting ready for the next 40… and perhaps even more… who knows. PANDEMONIUM first of all, to be clear, is my passion. Unfortunately, it’s no business. The fire is sometimes nearly out and sometimes it burns with all its might… you know… life. Right now the tar in the cauldron is on fire and it burns hard. Winter’s no fear for us. Unfortunately I’m resting now and I don’t engage in new situations as far as the scene goes. Some sounds intrigue me but I know that there are thousands of bands in Poland alone, not to mention the whole world… so it’s easy to get dizzy.


PANDEMONIUM’s music has always been linked with SAMAEL’s early albums.What do you think of their newer stuff?


Samael is classy in itself. It’s a brand for which guys from Switzerland worked for years. Their art is of the highest order. They search, perhaps experiment a bit but surely they boldly present what’s in their hearts. Huge respect from me.


You’re celebrating the band’s 20th anniversary this year. Any surprises to please the fans?


A surprise in itself will be the contents of the A.D. 2011 PANDEMONIUM – “Misanthropy”! I think it will be the crowning of the twenty years as well as „to be or not to be” sort of thing. So be alert this fall and look out for this album. I know that many of you will find food for thought in it.


PANDEMONIUM, as said before, are on the go since 1990 but never really rose to fame internationally, like Behemoth or Vader. Are you still proud of what the band has achieved thus far?


Nergal and Peter staked everything on one roll of dice and it paid off. They play, play, play… PANDEMONIUM focuses on creating music without the necessity of living the life of eternal wanderer. We choose this option. The world is one thing but I can’t afford notorious unprofitable tours.

Expect our brand new album this Fall though. We will promote this one through several means – the Internet, music magazines, videos and concerts numerous enough to reach our goals. So, my friends, so long and see you.

Thanks for dropping in!

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