“There is no party element, no kitsch element, no ironic element to what we do – we mean it!”
HEAVY METAL. Two simple words, both noun and adjective loaded with so much meaning. Unbending, unbreakable – and unyielding, in both senses of the word. The more the world changes, the more heavy metal stays the same. And the more heavy metal changes, the more it stays the same…right? Arguments can be made on both sides, but there’s no disputing Grand Magus’ now-firm standing in the grand pantheon of heavy metal. Since the beginning of this millennium, these Swedish stalwarts have continually, subtly perfected their unbending/unbreakable craft, honouring metal’s traditions by doing one thing – Being A Heavy Metal Band – but being the very best they can at it. And goddamn if they haven’t surpassed the level of ‘the very best’ with their larger-than-life new album, Triumph And Power. So aptly titled that it’s almost ridiculous, Triumph And Power is a gargantuan work which plays out like a veritable jukebox of classic heavy metal values. Some will laugh at it, but they’d be missing the point – and they weren’t meant to in the first place. POSERS LEAVE THE HALL: only Grand Magus remains. And remains unbending, unbreakable…
‘Unbending’ and ‘unbreakable’ are at least two descriptives which can be applied to the wider South American metal scene – and more specifically, its extreme variant. Zero Tolerance is proud to give you in-depth coverage of extreme music sub-cultures from around the world. Over the years we’ve brought you exclusive coverage of sounds from the cutting edge of metal, punk, noise, power-electronics and other forms of ear-shattering art. This issue we take a giant leap into the untold abyss of South American metal – the most savage breed of the genre. Following the legacy of SARCOFAGO, SEPULTURA and WARFARE NOISE Alex de Moller and Andres Castro examine the sound and socio-political roots of the music along with its major producers. For the first time in the history of the music press, MASACRE/MORBID MACABRE frontman ALEX OQUENDO speaks to us in English. VULCANO frontman LUIZ LOUZADA talks about the rise of the Brazilian scene. ENTE drummer IGOR ICAZA ALBAN does time for being a metalhead; CARLOS SANCHEZ of Venezuela’s KRUEGER commits crimes of passion and SLAUGHTBBATH unleash the sound of Chilean Hatred. GOAT SEMEN frontman ERICK NEYRA interviews the legendary TOÑYN DESTRUCTOR about the early days of Peru’s HADEZ; Producer JAIME GOMEZ-ARELLANO dissects seven South American classics; CENOTAPH drummer OSCAR CLORIO gives an eyewitness account of the continent’s most violent concert to date; MAURICIO “BULL METAL” MONTOYA, of TYPHON (and MASACRE) is given his dues; the DIY culture of Lima and the urban warriors of the South American scene come under the lens. Outside of a dedicated book (which de Moller and Castro are now working on), we present you with the most detailed and thorough feature on the lost sounds of the south American hells.
Trust us: this absolutely EXCLUSIVE special you’ll find within our Inside Info section, named “IMPERIO DEL TERROR”, is guaranteed to be the most thorough and thought-provoking treatment of the subject yet. Both men went to great lengths to make this happen, and we are rewarded a hundredfold. ¡A mover esas putas cabezas!
All this and brand-new (frankly unbeatable) installments of UGBM, Power Lines, and Anger Burning, interviews with Behemoth, Savage Messiah, Sunn O))) / Ulver, and Alcest to name just a handful, as well as the biggest review section you’re gonna find in a HEAVY METAL magazine and a FREE 15-track CD featuring new tracks from Behemoth to Bong and 13 more in between! The new year’s just begun and already ZT has thrown down the gauntlet…unbending, unbreakable.
Issue 057 is out NOW and available from WHSmith, John Menzies, Easons and all good newsagents across the planet. Check out the full list of contents on the ZT Mag website: www.ztmag.com, or better still BUY THE ISSUE HERE!
Zero Tolerance Magazine
The extreme music authority!