relapseTo celebrate their 25th birthday this year Relapse Records are offering a gigantic 184-track sampler on a name-your-price basis over on their Bandcamp page. 

Starting out by releasing grindcore 7″s back in 1990, the label has since expanded to become one of the most respected independent metal labels out there. A look down the list of 184 songs (which features one from almost every artist they’ve ever released material from) shows just how much they’ve diversified their output while still sticking to quality extreme metal.

There’s the grind of Pig Destroyer and Repulsion, doom from Lord Dying and High On Fire, death from Nile and Dying Fetus, thrash from Iron Reagan and Toxic Holocaust and a whole lot more excellence from every corner and genre of the extreme metal globe. Voivod, Torche, Neurosis, Brutal Truth, Mastodon, Baroness, Disfear, Unkind, there’s too much to list here.

Put simply, if you can’t find at least five, no ten tracks that please your ears here then maybe metal (or music) isn’t for you. Here’s to another 25 years!

Relapse Records: 25 Years Of Contamination is available on a name your price basis at Bandcamp here.

For more information like Relapse Records on Facebook.

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