Pagan black metallers Kampfar have revealed the release date of their latest full-length offering. ‘Djevelmakt’ will be released worldwide on the 27 January 2014 via Indie Recordings, and features artwork by the late Zdzisław Beksiński as well as the late John Charles Dollman. Frontman Dolk had this to say:


“The cover art sums up the lyrical content of the album. This is not a concept album per se, but there is a strong lyrical theme running through the album. The theme is condemnation. It’s anti-religion and not anti-human. What is reality, what is a dream, where do we end up? Are we free individuals, do we decide our own path and faith? Djevelmakt proves that 20 years of existence does not dull the blade, but grinds it into a sharpness more scything than ever before.”


2014 is a significant year for Kampfar, as it marks 20 years in existence. The full track list for ‘Djevelmakt’ has also been made available and is as follows:


1. Mylder
2. Kujon
3. Blod, Eder og Galle
4. Swarm Norvegicus
5. Fortapelse
6. De Dødes Fane
7. Svarte Sjelers Salme
8. Our Hounds, Our Legion


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