Issue 101 May/June 2021

101 May/June 2021

It’s really something when a major band catches you off guard with a release – and even more so when two relevant bands have releases that make cover decisions even more headscratching than usual. We had ‘advance notice’ – and I use these words very loosely – that Cannibal Corpse would be putting out a new album. We knew too late in the day to do anything significant in our anniversary issue 100, yet this bolt from the blue also came at a really awkward time for this issue, 101, as advance plans were already afoot…. You see, I did mention two bands in my first sentence didn’t I…. Norway’s Vreid were apparently very busy over the course of the pandemic making not only a new album, but an entire film to complement it. Think Pink Floyd’s The Wall (actually no, don’t – it’s nothing like it and fortunately for us all Saint Bob Geldof is nowhere in sight), but you know, it’s a full bloomin’ film release that embraces everything about their latest full-length, Wild North West.

Whilst some may argue that the world’s biggest and best-known death metal band are a more natural cover choice (which I don’t disagree with) they’ll enjoy extensive coverage here, there and everywhere, and since we have always made it our business to poke our noses into music’s harder to reach crevices, we’ve given the cover over to Vreid, sharing a platform with them to talk about their rather enormous feat. But because Cannibal Corpse’s album is one of their best in recent times, with the addition of ‘new’ guitarist Erik Rutan as nothing but a positive turn – we have also published an extended feature with Alex and Paul, so hopefully everyone is happy!

Strangely, the only live streamed performance I’ve watched since the world went batshit in 2020 was Vreid’s… I only make note of this as we inch closer to a return of live performances – what exactly they will look like isn’t clear yet, but I’m sure like us, you’re all desperate to get back to a dingy venue or a blustery field as soon as possible. Here’s hoping we’ll have the live section back as a regular feature before too long; there’s never been a more pressing time to get off our arses to support the live arena. That said, enjoy the issue, don’t forget to check out our fabulous tshirts in the new ‘Zero Tolerance For Fashion’ clothing line – – and we’ll see again in a couple of months!

Lisa Macey

Issue 101 is also available digitally – complete with the covermount CD embedded, so you won’t miss out on the audio. Perfect for those unable to get to the shops, or for those who simply prefer to read their magazines in this newfangled and mysterious way. Visit to buy a single copy or to make a saving by subscribing for six issues. Issue 101 will be available to buy digitally from 13 May 2021.

CD covermount tracklist 15 tracks including new music from Vreid, Pulchra Morte, Angstskrig, Seth, Zgard, Vincent Crowley and many more… (nine others to be precise)

Propaganda News, Maze Of Torment crossword, playlists

Cover Feature Vreid

Cannibal Corpse | Gojira | Evile | Vulture | Wheel | Burning Witches | Dornenreich | Grief Collector | dordeduh | Crescent | Spectral Wound | Solbrud | Jess And The Ancient Ones

Notes From Underground | Colombian Black Metal
Tzelmoth | Gexerott | Octagon

Altars Of Madness | Underground Death Metal
Last Days Of Humanity | Goath | Chaotian | Anatomia | Sufism | Altarage | Deathswarm | Crypts Of Despair

A Funeral Inquest | The Doom Repository
Bongzilla | Amammoth | Somnuri

Dark Entries | Experimental Sounds
KMRU | Himukalt | Hymns57

Rapid Fire | Short Sharp Shocks!
Caliban | Inferno | Herzel | Helslave | Throat | Plasmodium | Conviction | Pulchra Morte | Endseeker | Sol Draconi Septem | Luna’s Call | The Stone | Angstskvig | Superlynx | Jordfäst | Vanhelga | Wreche | Borstal

Reviews & Release Of The Issue

Inside Information | Behind The Scenes
Label Profile
Fighter Records
Call From The Grave Trouble
Behind The Scenes Belial
Artist Profile Denis Forkas

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