Serbian purveyors of high octane, old-fashioned death/thrash metal Infest have just released their third full-length album, “Everlasting Genocide”, via their domestic Grom Records, a well as Butchered Records (USA), Zero Budget (Czech Republic) and Terror Blast (Macedonia). The release includes eight new tracks and a cover of the legendary Yugoslavian band Bombarder’s “Horde”, providing, once again, a collection of no-compromise fast riffing mania with messages of the most sincere hate. Guest appearances on the album include Thebon (Keep Of Kalessin), Branislav (Bane), Honza of Czech Avenger, who also produced the album, and Bombarder’s ex-guitarist Glavoseča on vocals in the earlier mentioned “Horde”.
A song off the album is available for streaming HERE!

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