Filthy Portuguese goregrind mob Holocausto Canibal have inked a deal with extreme Czech label Bizarre Leprous Production to release their upcoming EP.


Entitled Larvas (translating as larvae) the EP will contain four new songs continuing on from their last full-length, 2012’s Gorefilia. The band have promised a faster and more brutal approach though, while still maintaining their groovier elements.


Speaking about the deal bassist Z. Pedro said: “It’s with huge pride and accomplishment that I can say that Holocausto Canibal joined the Bizarre Leprous Productions family. We’ve been fans of the label and its releases and we have known Roman for a long time, and can honestly say that this was undoubtedly the best choice for this release due to their hard work and their own cult mark on the scene!”


As ever, expect Larvas to touch on controversial topics such as sexual gratification and arousal towards behaviour that is atypical and extreme (to say the least) with the band promising “self torture, bizarre love, and loads of sperm tainted with blood”.


Drummer Diogo P added: “Personally I’m very stoked for working with Roman and the rest of the Bizarre Leprous Productions crew. We’ve known each other for a long time and we know his work and ultra intense distribution around the globe, so I’m very sure that 2014 will be a good year for us! Also, it is amazing to join the ranks of such cult acts as Ingrowing, Pigsty, Jig-Ai, Ahumado Granujo, Blood, and Haemorrhage.”


While Larvas will be a continuation of Gorefilia, chronologically speaking it follows on from 2013’s covers EP Compêndio de Aversões.


To keep up to date follow Holocausto Canibal on Facebook.

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