Sri Lanka’s death cult followers GENOCIDE SHRINES have announced that they will release their debut minialbum “Devanation Monumentemples” due this Summer. The material consists of 3 interludes and 4 full tracks and will be released as a 12″ MLP via Iron Bonehead Prod. and CD/MC via India’s Cyclopean Eye Prod.


The band’s vokillist/bassist C. Tridenterrorcult told ZT about how the beast, given birth in 2011 by the ancient Order Of Raavan, put the puzzles together: “GS is a project which was initiated by myself and a few carefully selected couple of comrades I’ve associated myself with for quite a long time and who belong to the Extreme Metal sect in Sri Lanka. We wanted our unveiling debut EP, “Devanation Monumentemples”, to consist of material which was stripped down and minimal to revive the ancient sound of Death, devoid of high-tech advanced and over polished material and otherworldly distractions, whilst, hinting towards more horrific visions of oriental bleakness and spiritual warfare, has high potential of manifesting itself in our future auditory creations. I think its too early to be comparing GS to other bands but we are ardent followers of Cryptophobism, Incantation, tRoB, Revenge, etc”.


One of the songs off the EP, “Nectars Of Tantric Murder”, is available for streaming in its complete grandeur at THIS LOCATION.


Samples of each featured track HERE.

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