Full stream of the new Denouncement Pyre album

Three years have passed since the release of their critically acclaimed Almighty Arcanum, which saw these long-running Aussie tyrants evolving well beyond their blackthrashing beginnings and locate a near-perfect balance between aggression and atmosphere. With Black Sun Unbound, DENOUNCEMENT PYRE have perhaps found the balance – between not only aggression and atmosphere, but passion and poison, power and patience, sheer vengeful violence and spiraling night-sky melodicism – in the process delivering a potently BLACK METAL record which emphasizes both titular elements of that genre.

A band statement reads: “Black Sun Unbound is the most challenging album we have created so far, and we have certainly ventured further into the inner darkness with the new material, through a long and demanding creative process. The writing and recording of this album involved a lot of experimentation, and we have seen a vast range of ideas included, more so than past releases; it is a different album to the first two. Expect new doors to be unlocked and old gods to be awakened!” 

The album is out now through HELL’S HEADBANGERS.

d pyre

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