The doom and gloom continues, with members of Ramesses, Bong and Capricorns coming together as 11 Paranoias and teasing a new release later this year with a brand new track entitled ‘Turn To Stone’.


Rising from a single jam session in late 2011, 11 Paranoias comprised originally of Adam Richardson (Ramesses), Mike Vest (Bong) and Mark Greening (Ramesses, Electric Wizard) but were joined by new drummer Nathan Perrier (Satan’s Wrath, ex-Capricorns) following Greening’s departure and full-time return to Electric Wizard. The group conjure some unholy and slow-as-molasses doom with the sort of psychedelic atmosphere you’d expect from any project featuring members of Bong or the now sadly defunct tripped-out doom titans Ramesses.


‘Turn To Stone’, taken from an as-yet unnamed new release that should have more information released about it ‘very soon’, is a five minute long slog through spaced-out fuzzy riffs, samples that lie just out of ears-reach and an overall atmosphere that straddles the line between structured song and hazy stoner jam session.


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