“The track ‘Our Trivial Toil’ depicts absolute futility. The colliding ways of man leading to inevitable doom. The oppressive force displayed throughout this song makes it one of the heaviest on our debut; even midst passages of deceptive calm, imminent terror lurks beneath the surface, ready to seize occasion…” comment Ulsect on the track premiere we’re streaming below having joined forces with their label Season Of Mist.

It is hard to imagine The Netherlands’ Tilburg as the heart of darkness. Yet in musical terms, this expression qualifies as an apt description for the homely Dutch city that has spawned such acts as blackened extremists Dodecahedron and rhythmic progressives Textures. Out of this circle, Ulsect have emerged. The death metal innovators feature guitarist Joris Bonis and drummer Jasper Barendregt from Dodecahedron as well as former Textures bass-player Dennis Aarts. It therefore hardly comes as a surprise that elements of their origins have permeated into Ulsect’s eponymous debut album. You will find high technical precision and prowess woven into dense dissonance and lucent atmosphere.

Ulsect embodies relentless post-death metal aesthetics fraught with shifting patterns and dark tonality. The primeval forces unleashed by pioneers such as Gorguts and Deathspell Omega are violently harnessed to serve a sinister musical purpose. Nightmares transformed into sonic matter….

Full tracklist
1. Fall to Depravity (06:45)
2. Our Trivial Toil (07:59)
3. Diminish (05:52) 4. Moirae (02:20)
5. Unveil (04:23)
6. An Augury (03:59)
7. The Endling (04:43)
8. Maunder (06:32)

‘Our Trivial Toil’ is taken from the band’s forthcoming eponymous album, due for release on May 12th. Pre-orders are open now at this location.

Ulsect is:
Dennis Maas – vocals
Arno Frericks – guitars
Joris Bonis – guitars
Dennis Aarts – bass
Jasper Barendregt – drums



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