Currently on the ZT covermount CD, and with the full album streaming on this very site, we thought it was high time that we touches base with Osirion, the artist behind the neoclassical, symphonic and mystical workings of Dreamfire for some further musings


ZT: The music of Dreamfire is deeply immersive, and stands apart from many artists performing this style of music. What did you set out to achieve, and how did you reach your goal?


D: I never enter into anything without a deep sense of purpose, and when it comes to art, it absolutely needs to be something I can pour my very soul into 100%. Not something I can give a cursory interest to here and there. So I knew when the time was finally right to release the album, after many years of work, it would be the deeply immersive, otherworldly experience I always envisioned it would be from more than a decade ago when the journey first began.


ZT: How come it took so long from the demos to actually release the album?


D: When I started out on the long road towards the album, things were very different. I was discovering new parts of myself, and stepping into a bigger world. Of course things like this don’t just happen overnight, and growth on a personal and esoteric level is something that develops (and indeed is something that should always continue to develop) over a long period of time. As such, the music and myself were naturally symbiotically intertwined. The demos were a seed from which the album grew, as I grew as a person and an artist. Sometimes slowly, sometimes at a greater speed, but always heading towards the ultimate realisation of what I wanted the album to be. Rushing something just to have a product early is a self defeating attitude, and I would only release it when I was happy everything was perfectly formed and polished.


ZT: Dealing with myths, legends and esotericism, as Dreamfire does, what is your take on the much discussed end of the world, that recently passed with very little drama?


D: In this modern, technological society, so many people have lost any kind of spiritual awareness, and also are happy (and indeed trained) to be spoon-fed sensationalism from 24 hour 360 degree media. The transition from one age to the next just doesn’t make a good story for the Hollywood / MTV generation, nor does it sell newspapers; but apocalyptic prophecies and the end of the world grabs the attention of those looking for a quick fix; it makes them sit up and take notice, regardless of how ridiculous a concept it may be. It’s sad indeed when people in such large numbers act like a sponge to whatever they are told, rather than taking a step back, questioning what they are told, perhaps even doing some reading (is that such an abstract concept these days?), some research into what was being incorrectly reported, almost as fact. I hope as we transition into a different age people will find it easier to remove the blinkers that have been placed upon them.


ZT: What is coming next from Dreamfire?


D: After completing the journey from the beginning of the “Atlantean Symphony” demo to the album, I am doing a similar thing with the other two Dreamfire demos: “Through Shades Of Eternity” [1999] and “Resonance Of The Pyramids” [2000]. I’m hoping to have something out in 2013, though what will come first I’m currently unsure, as I’m working on each concurrently, so it depends on how things flow in one direction or the other. I’m also working on new material too, so there is a lot to come from the Dreamfire realm in the coming months and years.






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