To celebrate the recent news of Satan’s Wrath supporting the mighty Possessed in London on July 28th, we’re pleased to post up an interview with Tas Danazoglou with ZT’s Miika Virtanen. You can either read it below, or click on the image to enjoy it in the way it was intended for publication. Unfortunately, due to last minute changes to content, this (quoteworthy) interview never made it into print and is therefore brought to you exclusively online. Enjoy!






Galloping their way into the morbid hearts of old-schoolers worldwide in 2012, the second cumming of Tas Danazoglou’s Satanic fury arrives sooner than expected. Miika Virtanen stocks up on goats and whiskey in preparation for Aeons Of Satan’s Reign. Oo-de-Lally!


“We are satisfied with the songs, production, and layout of the album,” begins Danazoglou. “Everyone did a fantastic job, and I want to thank everybody involved, as well as extend my thanks and gratitude to their families and relatives. Plus, extra-special thanks also to the sweet baby Jesus and the spirit of the church of Jehovah.” Aeons Of Satan’s Reign arrives only a year after debut album Galloping Blasphemy: a rather quick turnover, no? “It’s not that soon, considering that it has been a year since the debut. Anyways, Stamos [Koliousis – guitar] and I, we eat, breathe, and shit heavy metal. We could make an album a month; this shit is just pouring out of us. Being also possessed by demonic spirits of the dead helps,” he insists. “By the way, we have five tracks ready for our third album. It’s easy because, on our first album, we ripped off these bands in this particular order – Slayer, Possessed, Venom, Mercyful Fate, Bathory, Iron Maiden. On Aeons…, it’s this order – Iron Maiden, Mercyful Fate, Slayer, Possessed, Venom, Bathory. And on our third, it’ll just be Venom.”


Keeping to their relentless schedule, Satan’s Wrath have assembled a full lineup, yet the duo of Stamos and Tas still make up the songwriting team. “On our first album, I wrote all music and lyrics,” says the latter. “I also did all the artwork and all the laundry, window cleaning, and ironing. On Aeons…, Stamos wrote songs also, and they are fucking killer. But we are a full band now because we have a full lineup. That’s very satisfying for me, as it means I will do fuck all at live concerts. Otherwise, I would have to have this instrument that they use in the circus – y’know, the one with the bass connected to a bass drum, etc. – and Stamos would have to play rhythm and lead guitar simultaneously, but I think he can do that anyway.”


In our last interview, Danazoglou established himself a hater of innovation, a denouncer of anything post-1987. Can this ilk of traditionalist, thrashing heavy metal truly make it in this day and age? “We don’t want to make it – in any sense,” he insists again. “We don’t give a fuck. But yes, I still feel this way. Of course, there are good bands today, too, but they imitate acts pre-1987. The best year was 1985. Man, what can I say? Bands these days make shitty songs with crap riffs, no solos or crap solos, no choruses…no choruses! And what the fuck are bands wearing, for fuck’s sake?! They look like a bunch of retards! Gentlemen, you play metal? You should wear only leather, spikes, and bullets. Period. Bunch of posers, all of them. Fuck ‘em…” As the band moniker might suggest, the most evil of lyrical imagery makes its presence felt. “All themes are inspired by black magic and witchcraft,” Tas confirms. “Every album of Satan’s Wrath will have a Satanic concept – no exceptions. Our Satanic philosophy is expressed perfectly on our albums, covering violence, hate, bestial sex, and alcohol. No bullshit here – we are the children of the mighty gods Venom!” UK crowds will be most eagerly anticipating a live appearance of Tas’ devilish posse. However, playing live has proven trickier than expected. “We are still looking for a booking agent; I think they are afraid of us. Attention, booking agents – we are perfectly normal,” comes the call-out from Danazoglou, promising a true feast for the mind when the time finally comes: “First, we will sacrifice the booking agent, then destroy the backstage area, and later vandalise the whole club…and in the end, we will throw liquid LSD and melting lead at the fans.”


[vital statistics origin greece formed 2011 band url metalblade.com/satanswrath current release aeons of satan’s reign]


Click on the show flyer for up-to-date info about Satan’s Wrath support of Possessed in London this July!


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