Dear one and all,

I’m the first to admit that our publishing schedule has been all over the place these past few months, and that’s down to me. Unfortunately, a few minor health issues knocked me back throughout the year and I never really managed to catch-up; as a small independent company, being a person down for more than a few days does have a negative impact. So, as I’ve been getting back on top of things I’ve had to mess around with our schedules a number of times, which I’m sorry about as I know that it’s disappointing when things don’t come out on time. We could potentially have hastily thrown together some shabby issues to meet the published dates, but shabby’s never been our style and I, personally, wouldn’t have been happy short-changing our readers in this way and instead, opted to put together issues that provide the quality and value our readers expect a little later than originally planned.

The good news is that I’m over the hump, and as a result, issue 075 is just about complete and will be heading off to the printers later this week, ready to hit the streets in mid-October. Issue 075 is yet another brilliant edition; we’re really very fortunate to have such an excellent and solid writing crew, and it’s also just as well there are so many excellent artists and labels around to fill our pages.

Following on from this, issue 076 and 077 will also hit the streets this year; the former is already underway, and the latter – the last issue of 2016 – will celebrate the year with our writer/reader poll results (details of how you can vote will be announced in November) – and it will also look ahead to 2017 and what it has in store. And as for ZT in 2017, we have loads planned, including a brand new website!

Subscriptions and back issues are available in our shop at this location, so head over that way to save yourself some money on newsstand prices, and if you subscribe, to choose a free CD from the brilliant subs gifts we currently have on offer.

Cheers for reading, and keep on supporting the printed word!

Lisa Macey

p.s. This Hank Hill gif perfectly illustrates recent deadline frustrations… :)





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