Washington black metal brothers Wolves In The Throne Room have released the first slice of music from their upcoming album Celestite.
It’s a far cry from anything they’ve done before, including 2011’s forward thinking full-length Celestial Lineage, with not a blast beat or much trace of black metal present at all. The band had previously stated that Celestite would be an experimental and instrumental companion to Celestial Lineage and the evidence from this first track proves they’ve stuck to their word.
Celestite Mirror comes in at over 14 minutes and is along the lines of an extended version of the ambient, new age inspired tracks that broke up Celestial Lineage. Around ten minutes in a faint trace of the WITTR of old creeps in but it soon fades away to focus on the synthesizer and calming effect.
It’s a bold move and is sure to alienate some fans while enchanting others. As always the best way to decide whether it’s experimental genius or pretentious guff is to listen to the song below or on WITTR’s Soundcloud.
Celestite Mirror comes out on July 8 via Artemisia Records and can be pre-ordered on their Bandcamp page here.