Those purveyors of dirty groove-laden noise, Six Feet Under, have announced that their forthcoming record (to be released in May) will be entitled, ‘Undead’. The bands legendary vocalist and chief herbalist Chris Barnes, has also gone on the record to say the new look SFU will be returning to Europe in August, in support of the new record playing at selected festivals with a smattering of club performances to boot.


In a statement via Metal Blade Records, Barnes said, “SIX FEET UNDER IS NOT DEAD! WE ARE “UNDEAD”!!!!! With our return to the European festivals this summer and the addition of new band members to the group’s line up, SFU is poised to murder and KILL!! With the release of the new SFU album “UNDEAD” this spring we will prove that the UNDEAD shall rise from the crypts of GERMANY and EUROPE IN 2012!”


You can check out the complete list of tour dates over at the bands official site.

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