US Grind crushers Pig Destroyer have ‘officially’ entered the studio and will have a new full-length out later this year.


The band is self-producing and recording the new album at founding guitarist and grind freak Scott Hull’s Visceral Sound Studios, according to a recent press release from Relapse Records.


“The extreme music world is about to get a much needed cinderblock to the face as the mighty Pig Destroyer has entered the studio to record their highly anticipated 5th full-length record and first album in over five years! The as-of-yet-titled album is a return to a raw, primitive sound and will feature 19 songs of their signature misanthropic grind. A late 2012 release is expected.”


Pig Destroyer have recruited Adam Jarvis, of Misery Index fame, to lend his “inhuman drumming skills to the aural hatred”.


Hull commented on Jarvis becoming a full time member: “Tracking the drums happened this week and I’m honestly amazed at how Adam stepped up to the task of learning some challenging shit outside of his standard comfort zone. He came into the studio ready to destroy and destroy he did. And in the haze of long studio hours he never settled for a bad take. He’s a real soldier. Adam has helped breathe new life into the band and we feel like we are starting fresh. Everyone here is excited for people to check out the new jams.”


Pig Destroyer will play this year’s Damnation Festival in Leeds on November 3rd, their first UK show in eight years.


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