The thrash ‘n’ sludge groove of Lord Dying is saturating the planet. The band just started a full US tour in between European travels and have announced plans for a new album that will be recorded after their return to the states.


From the heavy riff temple also known as Portland, Oregon, Lord Dying are still supporting their 2013 debut LP Summon The Faithless released through Relapse Records. Right now, the band is on a coast-to-coast US headlining tour that started on 11 February 2014 and will run right up until the band hits Europe for the second leg of live gigs with Red Fang and The Shrine, finishing up with a Roadburn Festival appearance on 10 April 2014 in The Netherlands. Then, Lord Dying will get in the studio to record the follow-up to Summon The Faithless.


Vocalist/guitarist Erik Olson comments on the new record – “The first two weeks of May we will be recording our second album. This one will be featuring Joel Grind as producer/engineer. The material is already written and the album will be the meanest most concise effort to date. We will reveal the title/artwork in the coming months. Expect a fall of 2014 release date on Relapse Records with extensive touring to follow!”


US and European tour dates on Lord Dying’s Facebook page here.


Check out Summon The Faithless on Bandcamp and catch the horrific video below for the song Dreams Of Mercy.




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