“This will melt your face off in brutality and extremity.” This is not an accolade, it is a promise. A promise from Swedish death metal staple Grave that this year’s release, ‘Morbid Ascent’ EP, will be nothing short of mind-blowing.

Grave’s tenth studio album, “Endless Procession of Souls” was only released a year ago, but the band evidently has more to give. The EP contains two new tracks, ‘Venial Sin’ and ‘Morbid Ascent’, as well as a Satyricon cover (‘Possessed’) and the ‘Risen From The Tomb’ edit of ‘Epos’.

It’ll be hitting the shelves later this year, so keep an eye out!

Here’s some classic Grave to tide you over – TRIAL BY FIRE

Photo credit: Grave

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