Feeling morbid? You better be, because this month marks the 40th issue of Zero Tolerance Magazine!! Seven years into our existence, we’re still the loudest, ugliest publication you’ll find in extreme metal, covering more obscure and underground action than any mag in the modern world and seeing as we’re so hardcore, we decided to put Tokyo’s notoriously tight-lipped death/crust band, Gallhammer, on the cover this ish, y’know… er… ‘mix things up a bit’. That’s no joke either. We actually managed to get an interview out of them this time… two interviews even. Speaking to Cormac O’Síocháin and Will Pinfold, frontwoman Vivian Slaughter talks about trials, tribulations and a whole lot of booze.
Could this be the end for Japan’s gruesome twosome? Maybe, but never fear! A realm of unspeakable noise awaits you all. Primordial, Necros Christos, Septic Flesh, Altar Of Plagues and Demonaz are just a handful of the deviants we’ve interrogated this issue. What’s more…we’ve expanded! Slamming and stomping onto yet another battlefield of noise, this issue features its own dedicated crust punk section: Anger Burning! Talented young artist Alexander L. Brown (Withcrist) unlocks the secrets of his work while Primordial frontman and ZT contributor Alan Averill “Nemtheanga” is happy to be alive following a dodgy journey to Central America with Swedish panzer cult Marduk – but more about that in his latest column.
All this and more will bludgeon your ears, rot your eyes and corrupt your sickly souls until all is consumed by the kingdom of noise. Louder, faster, heavier…than ever before.
Issue #40 out now from all decent newsagents. It’s also on special promotion in the top 250 WHSmiths High Street Stores over and above the WHS stores you can regularly find it in. Locate your nearest stockists here or check out our shop where you can buy single issues and subscriptions, which normally come bundled with a free CD, or two depending on the duration of the subscription order!