Heavy Days in DoomTown, the ‘DIY celebration of all things slow and heavy’, have announced their 2012 lineup thus far.
“Undergrundsmusikens Fremme” (Undergroundmusic Promotion), the same crew who organises Denmark’s Kill-Town Death Fest, will host Pagan Altar, The Wounded Kings and Devil, amongst others, in May next year.
28 bands in total will play the 4 day event (3rd May to 6th May 2012) in Copenhagen, with most hailing from Scandinavia and Europe .
The organisers have stated: “Our overall goal is to put the focus and attention on non-commercial music and culture and to give the audience a different festival experience. We hope to make this an annual event with lots of participants, and to give them an extraordinary experience.”
The programme for the festival can be seen HERE