
Good news from Aenaon! The progressive black metallers have started work on their third album and they promise it’s going to be “fucking legendary”! “Big words” some may say, but one cannot help but find a spark of hope in that statement; hope that big things are indeed on their way.


Aenaon were formed in 2005. Their members hail from various cities of Greece and are involved in other killer Greek bands, like Varatrhon, Katavasia and Septuagint. Aenaon operate on a sonic dimension that explores the harsh as well as the ethereal, the visceral as well as the cerebral. Following the critical acclaim of their sophomore album Extance, the band is gearing up for its third offering. The new album is titled Hypnosophy and will be released via Aural Music and Code666.


The band states: “Not only we’re happy to announce our new signing deal with Aural Music and Code666, but we’re also happy to announce that we’ve been cooking and now recording a new extra-terrestrial and magical full length album. In the new destructive year you will witness Hypnosophy“. The new album sees the departure of bassist and founding member Thyragon; however, as Aenaon state, it is for personal but not unfortunate reasons that they “decided not to keep working together at the moment”.

To balance things out, Aenaon welcome a new member to the fold. NOT a bassist, however! “At the moment we’re recording with Orestis Zyrinis, the same guy that performed all saxophones in Extance. We love sax and we always wanted to give it a bigger role in our sound so we decided to make it official and bring Orestis into the team as a full member and not just as a guest musician.

Orestis we welcome you! Cheers!”


Let’s see what the wisdom of sleep might bring.


(Photo by Evi Savva)

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