I came into the metal-scene - as did so many others - thanks to my brother who showed me Manowar when I was 14 years old. I have stayed true to the sound ever since, even though I am nowadays mostly listening to everything black (traditional, avantgarde, folk/pagan, et cetera) and experimental death metal. Apart from writing for Zero Tolerance (online), I am also an editor for the German Printmag Legacy - The Voice From The Dark Side (www.legacy.de) and I am doing promotion for French label Debemur Morti (www.debemur-morti.com).
Will is a freelance journalist who has been writing for ZT for over a decade. He was forced to buy The Number of the Beast at the age of 8 after breaking a copy (which he still owns) that belonged to a family friend. He loves music, art history, literature and cinema but is not interested in your right-wing opinions.
A career in the media, regional newspapers. Now working in local government communications department. Regular freelance metal contributions to Zero Tolerance and MidlandsRocks.com
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