dysemblemAfter a few years in the works, death metal doom outfit Dysemblem have just released their debut album. ZT spoke to mainman Aees about putting it together and his strong ambitions.

Formed after the disbanding of previous band Injekting Khaos, Dysemblem started life a few years ago as solo project for Aees. Writing and recording a bunch of death and doom metal songs from his mind and in his own home, since then it has evolved into something more than just a personal project.

Having re-recorded all the material a few times and enlisting the help of Greek drummer Nuctemeron to play on the final record, debut album ‘Strength Of Giants’ definitely lives up to its name. Comprised of nine well thought out slabs of death and doom metal, it’s an impressive and enjoyable listen. Aees spoke to ZT about the record’s formation and what it’s all for.

ZT: Why did you decide to form Dysemblem?

Aees: I’m not a very sociable person so I needed a channel to express my inner turmoil.

Did you want to distance it/create something different your previous band Injekting Khaos?

No, that was never my intention. I let the riffs turn into the songs they want to be- it just so happens that the end result sounds different from Injekting Khaos.

How was the writing and recording process for your debut album ‘Strength Of Giants’?

Writing was lengthy and lonely! Many days and nights spent discarding, reworking and shifting around the material.

I recorded the album three times in my home studio in 2015. Each time I played around with different tunings, different tempos, song structures and track lists. After the second recording was done, disaster stroke! My laptop AND external disk crashed at the same time. With the third recording I still could not achieve a decent sound though, so I decided to work at a real studio (TheBoogieTrap) with a proper engineer.

Because of all that, when I entered the studio I knew exactly what I had to do. So the final recording process was very quick and straightforward.

Rough mixes were sent to Nuctemeron, who laid down the drums at Entasis Studio in Greece.

dysemblem2You worked with Nuctemeron on drums, how did he get involved with the band? And was it easy with you both based in different countries?   

I’d known Nuctemeron from his various musical endeavours throughout the years and had always admired his style. T.K. of Dead Congregation got us in touch, I sent him one of the pre-mentioned home recordings and he agreed to play the drums.

Nuctemeron understood exactly what each song needed, so there was absolutely no problem with recording across countries. It was a very smooth process.

Did he have much influence on writing any of the music, or was that all down to you?

Nuctemeron received the songs in their final form and with some basic programmed beats. His touch was decisive, however. He brought in a few ideas, fills and subtle details that elevate the songs to new levels. The drum sound achieved on’ Strength Of Giants’ is also very much down to him. Most importantly, his drumming style is unique – and this alone adds an extra dimension to the album.

Why did you decide to go down the death/doom metal path with Dysemblem?

It was less a decision and more answering a call. To my ears, it’s simply death metal – the genre that has been my passion since 2000. I wrote the songs and then figured that the label “death metal doom” (which is not the same as “death/doom Metal”, mind you!) describes the music best.

What influenced some of the lyrics and song themes on ‘Strength Of Giants’?

Insomnia, anxiety, dreams, anger, Slayer, the nothingness, E.A. Poe, disappointment, will to power, power of the will, Nikos Kazantzakis, pre- and post-Christian myths, history, the cosmos and the unknown.

What are your future plans and ambitions with Dysemblem?

I want ‘Strength Of Giants’ to find a place in every serious metalhead’s record collection.

Anything else you want to add?

Entertain your gods & destroy your masters.

Find Dysemblem on Facebook.

Listen to and buy ‘Strength Of Giants’ on Bandcamp.

Thanks for dropping in!

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