Two of London’s premier extreme metal bands have announced the departure of drummer J.C. Volgard from their ranks.
Members of Craven Idol and Scythian, who both shared the drummer’s talent and expertise, have released the following statement:
“It’s with great regret that we announce our brother J.C. Volgard’s retirement from music. We would like to thank him for his incredible efforts with Scythian and Craven Idol – not just as a drummer, but also as a bassist and producer. His work, starting with Scythian’s ‘Suffering To The Conquered’ demo (2007) and concluding with Craven Idol’s upcoming release, has been an inspiration to all involved. It has been a great honour to work such a talented artist, whose unique musical ability and dedication puts a great many sticksmen to shame! From our early days in pubs and clubs to festivals in Finland, Lithuania and Ukraine, it’s been an unforgettable ride. On behalf of both bands we wish Volgard well in all his future endeavours.
“Scythian and Craven Idol will now begin the search for new talent. The successful candidate(s) (preferably from London) should be familiar with Volgard’s playing style and be prepared for imminent rehearsals and writing. As Scythian’s anticipated second album is now taking shape, the new member will be expected to contribute their part.”
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