Featuring 15 tracks from the likes of VLACK, Extremity, and Black Tusk to name a few, issue 085’s covermount CD hit the shelves back in Summer 2018 and we’re streaming the entire compilation here via the ZT Audio Player!
Click on the links below to visit the bands featured on issue 085’s CD.
01. VLACK The Storm
02. Coilguns Millennials
03. Extremity Where Evil Dwells
04. Carnation Chapel Of Abhorrence
05. Atrocity Shadowtaker
06. Chaos Doctrine My Demise (Pt II – The Rage)
07. Deathmace Conquest Of Oblivion
08. Black Tusk Agali
09. The Lion’s Daughter Die Into Us
10. Lowen A Crypt In The Stars
11. Dis Orcus Alone In The Empty Space
12. Ruff Majik Come All Ye Druids
13. KEN Mode Feathers Lips
14. Killing Tyranny Douche
15. Circles Breaker
16. Hex Metaheaven
Issue 085 featured a massive array of interviews from the likes of cover stars Immortal to Marduk, De Profundis and many, many more.
Zero Tolerance is available to buy for just £4.40 from WHSmith and all other good newsagents, and even better still, directly from us on subscription or as a single issue at store.ztmag.com. Whilst ZT is available on the newsstand right across the world, copies follow UK publication schedules a little later in Europe, and a month or so later everywhere else, including North America and Australia. To all our North American buddies out there, Barnes & Noble are now carrying it in even more stores than before which is great news for y’all ;) If you’re the impatient type then a subscription is almost certainly your best option – not only will it reach you faster, it’s cheaper than buying it in the shops too!
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