Doom-lords Indesinence have revealed the artwork for upcoming second album “Vessels of Light and Decay”. Responsible for the impressive art are Jaume Mayans and Daniela Kropeit of MMonsterbrush.


The album was recorded by Greg Chandler and Jaime Gomez Arellano and mastered by James Plotkin. It’s due out via Profound Lore next month. Main-man Ilia R.G. (guitars / vocals) comments:


“We worked very close with Jaume Mayans and Daniela Kropeit, who are extremely talented artists of amazing detail and seemingly unlimited imagination. This album still reaches into the furthest recesses of the subconscious yet is probably more drenched in the bitterness and struggles arisen from everyday realizations than anything we’ve done before. The art encapsulates not only the album’s atavistic feel and message of inevitability but also that of the band’s name, with all the poignancy we intended. It is an inseparable part of an album that’s taken six years to assemble, and which we look forward to people absorbing as a whole.”

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