Ascension are one of orthodox black metal’s mightiest blasphemers. In continuing our coverage of bands doing the rounds at summer fests, ZT spoke to the German horde who answered our questions with burning tongues…
ZT: For the uninitiated, why should we catch your set at Hellfest?
A: It is the task of the uninitiated to get initiated and then to decide whether or not to give us a chance.
ZT: What can we expect from your performance? What stage/time/day can we see you?
A: We will play on Saturday the 16th at 15:15 at “The Temple” if I remember correctly. Unfortunately, when we go by plane to a gig we cannot bring the stuff we want to bring for our ritual, however, we´ll do our utmost possible to make this a memorable gig after all.
ZT: What are your expectations for Hellfest, are you looking forward to playing?
A: We are very much looking forward to playing indeed. It is by far our biggest show to date and as we have only heard the best about Hellfest we expect it to be a sucess.
ZT: So, this is your first major festival appearance? What kind of Luciferian treatment do you have in store for us?
A: Yes, it is…and for the second part: the fire that burns in our hearts.
ZT: How do you think your sound/show will translate to the fest?
A: I do not think about such matters. The thing I wonder about is how the fest in it´s entirety will translate to us.
ZT: What bands are you looking forward to seeing?
A: We´ll luckily arrive on friday in time to witness King Diamond. this, for me, is the major event of the festival. Apart from that, I want to see Necros Christos, The Devil´s Blood, Saint Vitus and quite a lot more. It´s the most decadent festival billing I´ve ever seen.
ZT: How do you think Hellfest will differ from other festivals you’ve played?
A: So far we´ve played Hell´s Pleasure Fest and Deathkult Open Air, so that kind of says a lot. I am however more into these aformentioned smaller festivals. I would never go to Hellfest as a guest, it´s just too big for me. But as a band I think we can reach out to a lot of people otherwise not being able to notice us ( I will decide later if that is for the better or worse).
ZT: What are your favourite aspects of France or French culture?
A: The language and Deathspell Omega.
ZT: What’s next for you, following Hellfest?
A: We are in the middle of writing a new album. We simply leave our temple here and there this year to get some inspiration. We just came home from Deathkult, and after Hellfest we will not play for a long time. There is one more festival this year in which we will parttake which will be on 16/17th of November in Finland.