Farnborough’s premium black/thrash trio are back in action, uploading a new track entitled  ‘Morbid Breed’. The song will feature on a brand-new 7-track CD – Hell’s Teeth – out early next year on Eldritch Lunar Miasma (the label responsible for the group’s Black Thrashing Terror 7″ [2012]).


Guitarist / vocalist Rob Belial cannot wait: “We return from a period of hibernation with ‘Morbid Breed’, a rabid attack of black thrashing terror that draws on a recent d-beat as well as death influence.


“We’re really pleased with how this new record is shaping up, we’re looking forward to dusting off the cobwebs!”


The band will play a home town-ish gig at The Star in Guildford on Saturday 25 January.








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