Extreme music illustrator Metastazis is paid tribute in the form of an exhibition of his artworks in France and a book on his work.


Between 18 November and 7 December 2013 at the Musicophages in Toulouse, France, people will have the chance to witness the work of this boundary-pusher. Having built a name in the underground with his works for Antaeus, Arkhon Infaustus, Watain, Averse Sefira and many, many more, Metastazis is steadily collecting recognition from the wider metal scene through collaborations with prominent artists like Paradise Lost, Morbid Angel, Ulver, Behemoth and others. Sixty of his works from the years 2008-2013 will be put on display.


The opening will also feature a live performance, for the first time on European soil, of Ames Saglantes. Moreover, the event will be marked by the release of ‘Croix de Bois, Croix de Fer’, a book dedicated to Metastazis.


The event is dedicated to the memory of Marianne “LSK” Séjourné (pictured left), who took her own life on 23 October 2013. Séjourné was the bass player for some of extreme metal’s most savage (Antaeus, Vorkreist, Hell Militia) and daring (Secrets of the Moon) acts. She and Metastazis were close friends and had collaborated on many projects.


The exhibition is curated by Timeless Publishing; ‘Croix de Bois, Croix de Fer’ will also be published by them too.



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