American doomsters Ancient Vvisdom to release ‘A Godlike Inferno- 10th Anniversary Edition’ alongside in-depth video documentary

Honestly, vvhen I savv that A Godlike Inferno came out a vvhole decade ago, I vvas taken off guard. It reminded of a time vvhere “Occult Rock” vvas nevv to my vocabulary and I vvas cravvling slovvly out of puberty. My incredibly funny use of vv instead of W aside, Ancient Vvisdom’s A Godlike Inferno was a standout record in the veritable sea of occult rock/doom groups that floated around 2010. Nathan Opposition’s vocals and the band’s gruff sound managed to etch themselves into the mind of both seasoned lovers of occult rock and newcomers alike. Tobias Forge (Ghost, Ex-Repugnant)  famously selected the band to open for Ghost on their first American tour. 

Three albums later, and the band has chosen to revisit these times. Nathan looks back fondly at that time period, saying: “Godlike brings back so many great memories. It’s really nice to reflect on the past and remember the amazing times we had!” He continued by eluding to possible future material with his then bandmates, “I’ve been fortunate enough to still remain friends with band members from this era of Ancient VVisdom. We are actually discussing working together again!”

 The 10th anniversary edition of A Godlike Inferno is set to see the light of day 25 January 2021 via Argonauta Records. The album will be available on digital formats as well as on three limited vinyl colours (limited to 100 pieces each). It will also reportedly include hitherto unreleased cover of W.A.S.P’s ‘Sleeping In The Fire’.

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